Directional Statement No. 1: Spirituality/Worldview
We, together as BVM Sisters and Associates, drawn by grace
- into living more profoundly into the mystery of God
- into living more consciously our interconnectedness with all of creation
- into living more intensely our understanding of freedom
- into living more acutely and publicly values aligned with the Gospel
commit ourselves humbly, boldly, and courageously
- to participate and join others in profound institutional shifts transforming our congregation, church, and society toward a more just, inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world for all
- to engage and collaborate with those suffering injustices and a lack of resources for all life to flourish
- to seek conversation with and listen deeply to people with divergent perspectives, cultures, and experiences
- to widen our global awareness and connections
Respectfully submitted by Pat Bombard and Mary Ann Zollmann 06.23.21, RV. 06.25.21