Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
175th Anniversary Celebration

July 9-10, 2021

With praise, love and thanksgiving, we rejoice in our shared legacy of grace! This 175th Anniversary of our founding provides us the opportunity to look back with admiration and awe and bring forward the daring of our first Sisters as we address the challenges of our times.

Come celebrate our history and heritage rooted in women who endured racial injustice. In spite of those injustices, our foundresses forged ahead with courage and trust in Divine Providence.  We acknowledge our awareness and progress in attempts to face our biases and those of our institutions as well as the challenges of systemic racism.  Where are we today in our attempts to eradicate systemic racism? How can we set the route for writing our history for the future? 

Sankofa is a Ghanaian word that translates “Go back and fetch it” and refers to a symbol of a bird with its head turned backwards while its feet face forward carrying a precious egg in its mouth. The Sankofa bird represents the need to reflect on our past. The fire represents the energy of the past that will carry us into our emerging future.

In preparation for this gathering please view this video--OSP IHM Gathering 2005, Immaculata, PA 

If the video above doesn't play, please click this link:

Committee Members

  • Kathleen Clancy IHM Scranton
  • Marianne Gaynor IHM Monroe
  • Patricia Mengel IHM Immaculata
  • Elizabeth Pearson IHM Scranton
  • Patricia Rourke IHM Monroe
  • Danielle Truex IHM Immaculata
  • Esther Sanders OSP Associate
  • Mary Claudina Sanz OSP


Please register no later than May 28, 2021.  

If you need assistance with completing your registration, please call Michelle Welter at 314-645-1455 ext. 104 or email