Hyperthermia Therapy Practice School

Friday, October 29, 2021 7:15am-5:45pm EST (with a reception to follow)
Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 7:15am-4:15pm EST

About the Course

Over the past decade there has been a significant advancement in the field of hyperthermia therapy, an adjuvant cancer therapy that sensitizes tumor cells to both radiation and chemotherapy. With increased knowledge and training, clinicians will be able to provide a less invasive form of radiation to their patients.

The Hyperthermia Therapy Practice School is a CME accredited course (pending) that will provide the attendees with the theoretical aspects of hyperthermia therapy in a lecture format with a question and answer session. Several cases will be reviewed to explain the different approaches to treat different treatment sites. Small groups will facilitate in-depth training of practical guidelines for hyperthermia therapy treatment delivery, and will practice the treatment delivery in terms of software and hardware in experimental phantoms.

Attending practitioners will be made aware of combining hyperthermia therapy with the different forms of radiation treatment and will benefit from a formal training course that will provide one day of lectures and one day of practical training that will cover reviewing clinical cases and using hyperthermia therapy equipment.

Breakfast and lunch is included each day of the event. All attendees and speakers are invited to a complimentary dinner reception and tour of the Maryland Proton Treatment Center (MPTC) on Friday, October 29 at 5:45 pm. This event will begin immediately after the day's session. Please RSVP during the registration process.  At this time, this event will only be offered in person.


The cost of the virtual course is $2,000.00. Only 16 spots are available. The registration fee is payable by Check, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover, and advanced registration is required.

Refund Policy

Once a registration is submitted, you will have 24 hours to submit a request for refund. After that time, no refund will be provided for any reason.

In-Person Format Disclaimer

The safety and health of our patients, colleagues, and visitors remains the number one priority of the University of Maryland Department of Radiation Oncology. We are planning to hold this course in-person, but will remain flexible and keep attendees aware of any changes to the course format based on local and institutional requirements and changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is likely that medical-grade masks will be provided on-site and will be required to be worn in clinical areas. In the weeks leading up to the event, attendees may be required to answer questions about recent symptoms, contact with COVID-19 positive individuals, or travel. Attendees may be required by the University of Maryland to complete visitor paperwork or questionnaires in advance of the event, and will be required to comply with all current University of Maryland and Maryland Proton Treatment Center (MPTC) policies.


To best ensure the safety and comfort of guest attendees, speakers, faculty, and staff, and in compliance with University of Maryland and Maryland Proton Treatment Center (MPTC) and University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) policies, all participants of this program are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. All event participants will be required to present an original or electronic photo of proof of vaccination during on-site registration and check-in on October 29, 2021, and the last vaccine shot should be dated at least 2 weeks prior to the event (October 16, 2021) as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Please note that we will only accept the vaccines approved by the CDC. As of July 2021, these include Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen. Attendees who are unable to present proof of full vaccination during on-site check-in may not be allowed to attend the program, and will not receive a refund.


All attendees from within and outside of the United States will be required to comply with the latest CDC guidance which can be found on the CDC website and State of Maryland guidance, found on the State of Maryland website.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  •  Recall all the components required to establish a hyperthermia therapy program.
  •  Distinguish the different biology of tumors and healthy tissues during elevated temperatures.
  •  Decide proper patient eligibility for hyperthermia therapy treatments and the most adequate form of hyperthermia  therapy: interstitial, superficial or deep hyperthermia.
  •  Describe the physics of radio waves and microwaves as well as the need for water bolus.
  •  Explain how to position the different hyperthermia therapy applicators and define the need for multiple treatment sites.
  •  Perform treatment delivery of interstitial, superficial and deep hyperthermia therapy.
  •  Analyze and report hyperthermia therapy treatment data.
  •  Implement the clinical workflow, documentation and reimbursement of hyperthermia therapy treatments.


Click here to download the program agenda. Additional information regarding the program can be found on the program website by clicking here.

Questions or Need Assistance?

For assistance completing the online registration, please call Michelle Welter 314-645-1455 ext. 104 or email her at mwelter@nixassoc.com.

For questions regarding the program, please contact course coordinator Jessica White, 410-328-7618 or jessica.white@umm.edu.